Unveiling the Evolution of Poltergeist Beliefs: From the 1900s to Today

Throughout history, human fascination with the supernatural has manifested in various ways, and one such phenomenon that has captured the imagination of many is the poltergeist. These malevolent spirits, known for their mischievous and sometimes even sinister activities, have evolved in the realm of beliefs from the 1900s to the present day. The stark differencesContinue reading “Unveiling the Evolution of Poltergeist Beliefs: From the 1900s to Today”

Shielding Tips for Empaths

Like everyone else, empaths need a break now and then. Empaths need breaks more often than others. This is because many empaths experience what is known as sensory overload. This comes from picking up on the energy surrounding us and everyone we encounter during the day. Because we are emotional sponges, we must take theContinue reading “Shielding Tips for Empaths”

How to Handle Being Physically Attacked by Something You Cannot See

Dealing with the paranormal often means there is a risk of facing a negative force of energy that may attack. Being attacked by an unseen force is difficult for the mind to process, drastically affecting our natural fight or flight response. The mind cannot process being attacked when the aggressor is unseen and intangible. ThisContinue reading “How to Handle Being Physically Attacked by Something You Cannot See”

Benefits of Walking on the Beach Barefoot

Walking along the beach was very relaxing and offered me the opportunity to escape life for a brief moment and enjoy Mother Nature. Over the years, I learned there are many more benefits to walking along the beach besides relaxing and a place to escape. Here are the benefits I have benefited from my timeContinue reading “Benefits of Walking on the Beach Barefoot”

Different Ways Spirits Communicate with the Living

It takes a lot of energy for a spirit to reach out and communicate with the living. Most of the time, when we are communicating with a spirit, we initiate contact during an investigation. Sometimes spirits seek us out and want to communicate, but it is often difficult. To have spirits reach out to youContinue reading “Different Ways Spirits Communicate with the Living”

Ouija Boards Are No Different than What We Do During an EVP Session

The topic of an Ouija board often causes heated debates in the paranormal field. For some, it opens doorways for evil entities to enter our world. For others, it is a tool used to investigate. If appropriately used, Ouija Boards are similar to conducting an EVP session. However, you would only conduct an EVP sessionContinue reading “Ouija Boards Are No Different than What We Do During an EVP Session”

Experiencing the Sensation of Spider Webs on the Face

Now, if you are investigating in the dark, outside, or in an abandoned building, sometimes experiencing the sensation of spider webs on your face means you have walked right into a spider’s web. Sorry if this creeps you out, but it’s one of the hazards of being a paranormal investigator. Yes, I just referred toContinue reading “Experiencing the Sensation of Spider Webs on the Face”

What It Means to Be an Empath

For years, I could not figure out why I felt so uncomfortable when going out and being in large crowds. For the longest time, I was told I just had social anxiety. But it turns out I didn’t. When looking over everything – how I feel, how sensitive I am, how I can pick upContinue reading “What It Means to Be an Empath”